Thursday, May 2, 2013

"The Namesake" Trailer

The Namesake is a movie that was made in 2006 and released in 2007.  It is a coming of age story about an adolescent, Gogol, and his search for his identity.  Gogol does not appreciate his ethnic sounding name that his father has given him.  What Gogol does not know is his name is a reflection of  his father's intense desire for his children to grow up in a multi-cultural world after his own near-death experience.  Gogol grows into a young adult, wants to study to be an architect and finally learns the truth behind the story of his name.  Shortly thereafter his father suffers a sudden heart attack and dies.  Finally, after a trip to Bangladesh for his father's memorial, Gogol is able to truly appreciate and understand his name for the symbolic representation of his identity that it is.

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