Monday, April 29, 2013

From India to America

Ashoke and Ashima Ganguli move from West Bengal, India to the United States. Their journey as a newly married couple is not easy as they must assimilate to the culture of a new place. Part of the reason they move to New York is because Ashoke has a job offer and he wants to raise their future children in a place that is surrounded by opportunity.

1 comment:

  1. This picture is a great still depiction of the emotions people feel when "forced" to leave their homeland and embrace another culture. When I interviewed Quirin, he told me how he felt about leaving his homeland for the sake of a change in jobs. He had a different perspective of leaving from Ashima, but they both look back and miss aspects of their motherland. Comparing Quirin's experience to Ashima is a great way to realize that culture is important to immigrants, but it does not always necessarily have to change in order to be comfortable in a new environment.
